Monday, November 3, 2014

My trip to Florence and Tuscany

Ako me pratite na Instagramu, (carnathecookie) onda znate da sam prije dvije sedmice bila u Toskani. Odsjeli smo u jednoj prekrasnoj kući nadomak Firence. Jedan od prvih gradova koje smo posjetili bila je Firenca grad u kojem je počela renesansa i grad koji definitivno svakog ostavlja bez daha. Za početak naše ture obišli smo centar grada, posjetili predivnu Katedralu Duomo, Palacu Piti i Palacu Vekio. S obzirom da sam ljetos čitala Inferno bilo mi je jako zanimljivo što sam vidjela mnoga mjesta koja su opisana u knjizi :). Uz to bili smo u vrijeme kada je tu bio i režiser koji snima filmove po knjigama Dan Browna tako da sledeći film Inferno možemo uskoro očekivati ;). Odušviće vas bogata istorija Medičija kao i nevjerovatna umjetnička dijela Mikelanđela i Leonarda da Vinčija. Pored Firence morate obići manje gradiće oko Firence, njih je zaista mnogo sa prekrasnim kućama, baštama i vinogradima.Obavezno probati florentinski stejk, pivo parma i vino iz regije :). Ono što mi se nije dopalo je da je u vrijeme kada smo mi bili, Firenca vrvila od turista. U svakom slučaju grad vrijedan posijete.

Hi guys, if you are following me on Instagram (carnathecookie) you already know about my trip to Tuscany. We stayed in a beautiful hotel in the country side, near Florence. Our first thing to see was this amazing city, where the renaissance began and for sure it has left us speechless. We visited the Flourence Duomo (Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore), Palzzo Vecchio and Palazzo Pitti. This summer I have  read the book Inferno which takes place in Florence, so I was very happy to see the places that are mentioned in this book. We also saw the director of all the movies made about the book written by Dan Brown, so you can expect the new movie soon (but shhhhh). The rich history of the Medici family will intrigue you as well as the art of famous Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Near Florence you can find plenty of small villages that are worth visiting. You should try their famous Florentine steak, the Parma beer and of course the local wines. The thing that I didn't like about Florence is that it was pact with tourists :(. At the end, the city is worth putting on your "to visit list"!


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At November 3, 2014 at 6:44 PM , Blogger Live-Style20 said...

nice pics; >>

new post

At November 3, 2014 at 7:46 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

How beautiful! Hope to go there one day!

At November 3, 2014 at 10:19 PM , Blogger Nina said...

kako je samo divno...

At November 4, 2014 at 8:51 AM , Blogger Laura Mitbrodt said...

Wow beautiful!

At November 9, 2014 at 12:24 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Prekrasna kombinacija!

Lajkam blog na fejsu!

FTG Facebook


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