U Jelena shopu ima divnih haljina sada, a prije su stvarno bile uzasne, uvijek smo stajali ispred izloga i smijale se :). Bas mi se svidja a tebisuper stoji.
wow this dress is so elegant and chic!♥ lovely blog!:) I'm following you on facebook (petra lorencova) and bloglovin! you can follow me back if you'd like;) kisses! www.lorietta.cz My Facebook page My Bloglovin profile
Weddings by Anne Perth Florist providing elegant, beautiful and affordable wedding bouquets and flower arrangements.Each bride and groom are unique and we believe your flowers and decor should be too.We will work with you to come up with a theme and design based around your wedding dress, colour palette, atmosphere, location, and season. http://www.weddingsbyanne.com.au//
Jelena Shop ima najljepse haljine, a tvoja mi se posebno dopada!
Nosis li stikle ili ravne sandale?
This is a wonderful dress!
New post!
divna haljina :)
Prelijepa haljina i prelijepo ti stoji :*
I love the mesh and the detailing. very pretty dress
Haljina je savršenaaaaa! Ja tako nešto imam u glavi za apsolventsko, duže vrijeme. Jes' da nisam apsolvent ali to nema veze :P
I ja sam jednu pripremila, mada mi se ta vise svidja. Super je, elegantna i divna :)
prekrasna! :)
U Jelena shopu ima divnih haljina sada, a prije su stvarno bile uzasne, uvijek smo stajali ispred izloga i smijale se :).
Bas mi se svidja a tebisuper stoji.
very pretty dress, i like it! :)
Prekrasna haljina i preljepe fotke.
Hvala :) meni se ova svidjela na prvi pogled
Kupi za svaki slucaj :D
stikle ;)
wow,this dress is so perfect on your body.
You looks so noble.
hope that you can come back to visit my blog:
prva slika je prelijepa!
prva slika je prelijepa!
Amazing dress dear! ;)
Giveaway CHOIES - International
prelijepa je haljina<3
wow this dress is so elegant and chic!♥ lovely blog!:) I'm following you on facebook (petra lorencova) and bloglovin! you can follow me back if you'd like;) kisses!
My Facebook page
My Bloglovin profile
A really beautiful dress on you!
Would you like to follow each other on Bloglovin and GFC? Take a look into my blog and let me know! www.gwiyomistyle.net
Thanks for following me and I am now following you back on bloglovin, facebook + google friend connect!
I hope you can follow me on google friend connect too if you have not done it yet =)
see you around!
Weddings by Anne Perth Florist providing elegant, beautiful and affordable wedding bouquets and flower arrangements.Each bride and groom are unique and we believe your flowers and decor should be too.We will work with you to come up with a theme and design based around your wedding dress, colour palette, atmosphere, location, and season.
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